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"You Suddenly Lose Everything...
What Would You Do From Day 1 To Day 30 To Save Yourself...?"
"What Would You Do From Day 1 To Day 30 To Save Yourself...?"
"What Would You Do From Day 1 To Day 30 To Save Yourself...?"
From The Desk Of: Russell Brunson
Subject: 30 Days To YOUR “One Funnel Away” Success Story

Dear Friend,

Have you ever thought... 
This whole internet marketing thing has got to be a bunch of BS…?
I see people online talking about funnels... driving traffic... making sales. 

And it seems like a ton of fun... but... 
"How am I, a complete newbie, with no product, no list, no traffic, and no funnel... ever going to make the kind of money that they say is possible?"
My name is Russell Brunson, and I'm the CEO and co-founder of a company called ClickFunnels...

Yes, I'm that guy on stage who is handing out the "two comma club" awards to entrepreneurs who have built successful funnels... 
But what a lot of people don't know, is that every day I see between 750 and 1000 new people signup to ClickFunnels, to build funnels...hoping to turn their dreams into a reality... 

Many make you can see from the videos and pictures... 
But many more, don't. 

And that fact drives me crazy...  

So I asked all my Two Comma Club winners...
"Hey <Insert Two Comma Club Winner's Name Here> 

Let me ask you a question...

You suddenly lose all your money, along with your name and reputation, and only have your marketing know-how left.

You have bills piled high and people harassing you for money over the phone.

Plus, you have a guaranteed roof over your head, a phone line, an internet connection, and a ClickFunnels account for only one month.

You no longer have your big guru name, your following, or JV partners. Other than your vast marketing experience, you're an unknown newbie.

What would you do, from day 1 to day 30, to save yourself?
- Russell Brunson
I wanted to know EXACTLY what they would do to get back on top...
Day #1... what would you do?
Day #2... what would you do?
Day #3... what would you do?

...Day #4, then #5, #6... and so on for 30 days.  

At first I was nervous to send the email… but just seconds after I clicked “send” my nerves turned to excitement as I waited to hear back from them.

Over the next few days, the responses started to pour in from members of this exclusive club telling me their stories of when THEY were in that exact spot...
No product, no list, no traffic, and no funnel... and then detailing EXACTLY what they did in a simple, step by step daily process!
These were not quick emails they sent back to me, but detailed battle plans!
Some made me laugh...
...and others made me cry as I re-lived with them what it was like when they first got started....
And knowing what they did now, exactly what they would do if they needed to start over from scratch! 
Some started from homelessness...

Others in jobs they hated

And others just wanted more.

But all of them ended in the same spot... On stage, with a "Two Comma Club" award in their hands! 

Now mind you, I have read my fair share of crappy ebooks as well as other amazing marketing books, but NEVER have I EVER seen money making blueprints like these! 

I re-read their 30 day plans, looking out for “loopholes”, like having to spend sums of money in some form or another, using special programs well beyond the reach of the average person, or having to “know” certain people. 

As amazing as it might sound, the blueprints were almost flawless. There and then, I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt, that if anyone followed these plans to a T, they could be successful! 
I could hardly believe what laid in front of my eyes!
But.. this was ONLY the beginning

MORE 30 day marketing plans started coming in, and they left me shaking my head in sheer disbelief. 

After reading over a dozen of them, they left me TOTALLY CONVINCED, that ANYONE, as long as they faithfully apply the tested and proven marketing secrets found in these 30 Day Marketing Plans, could be successful. 

And that's when it hit me...

I needed to share this with everyone.  
Everyone who has ever had a ClickFunnels account...
needs these 30 day blueprints.
At first I planned on selling them… 

But because of what I know they are worth, and how much I would have to charge if I were to sell them…

I knew that if I did, the people who needed them the MOST, wouldn’t be able to afford them. 

So, I emailed back each and every one of the 30+ people who responded…
And I asked them the unthinkable… 
Would you be willing to share this with everyone…
At first, a few of them thought I was a little crazy… 

But then one said Yes

And then another! 
And soon EVERYONE OF THEM agreed to come on a video interview and walk you through each day in their 30 day blueprint!!!
So, WHO were the ones who were crazy enough to agree to help serve you at their HIGHEST level… so you can get limited-time access to these interviews!?!
Let me introduce you to your dream team:
Trey Lewellen
Product Sales
The Proprietary “Reactive Startup Formula” That Makes Launching Your Product Painless…And On The Path To Success!
Liz Benny
Life And Business Transformation
Secrets Of A High-End ($10K+) Coaching Program
Garrett White
Coaching &
The “Core 4” For Achieving Success
Alison Prince
How My School-Age Daughters Built Their Own 6-Figure ECommerce Empire...In Just 9 Months!
Dana Derricks
Non-Broke Entrepreneurs
The “Dream 100” Method That Helped Generate Millions In Revenue For Myself And My Clients
Julie Stoian
The 3 “Profitability” Steps You Absolutely Must Accomplish During Your First Week To Establish Credibility, And Attract High-Ticket Customers And Clients
Stephen Larsen
Funnel Building
The “Purple Ocean” Approach To Identifying Products That Your Fans Would Body-Check Their Grandmas To Buy! 
Stacey Martino
The 3 Non-Negotiables For Setting Yourself Up For Success (...Before You Even Start Your Funnel)
Ed Osburn
Health Professionals /Chiropractors
The #1 Factor That’s Exponentially More Powerful Than A Testimonial For Getting Your Clients And Customers From A “Maybe” To A “Yes!”
Tyler Shaule
Non Profit Children's Summer Camp
4 Simple Steps To Crafting Your Fundraising “Offer”
Rachel Pedersen
Digital Marketing / Social Media
How I Take Entrepreneur Clients From $4,000/Mth To Pulling In Up To $7,000 PER DAY!
Jeremy McGilvrey
My Foolproof “HCBA” Hack That Pin-Points Profitable, In-Demand Niches In Just MINUTES
Peng Joon
How To Attract Attendees To Your High Ticket LIVE Event In Just 45 Minutes…(And Potentially FILL Every Seat In The Room!) 
Myron Golden
Personal Dev. Sales and Marketing
The Strategies I Use To Help My Clients Rake In Up To $10 MILLION Per Year Each
Jaime Cross
Mastering the “Convergence Quadrant” Method: Optimize Your Offers Before You Ever Start Building Your Funnel!
Dan Henry
The Unusual Approach That Led Me To Build A $3 Million Business In Just ONE Year
Joe McCall
Real Estate
Simple Techniques That Create An Irresistible High-Ticket Coaching Offer
Spencer Mecham
How To Attract Buyers To Your Affiliate Programs On Autopilot
Anissa Holmes
How To Leverage FB To Land Clients To Consistently Fill Up Every Slot In Your Schedule
Dean Holland
How To Come Up With A Valid Product Idea And Create A Webinar Strategy That Optimizes Your High-Ticket Sales
John Lee Dumas
The 2 Most Important Practices I Use EVERY DAY To Stay Focused On My 7-Figure Businesses
Rob Kosberg
Publishing and
My Top-Secret “Embarrassingly Simple” Strategies That Enable Me to Land High Ticket Sales (Day After Day) From A Webinar
Natalie Hodson
How To Identify And Approach Your PERFECT Influencers To Promote Your Lead Magnet… (And Get The Most “Yeses” Possible!) 
Pat Rigsby
“I’ve Repeated The Same EXACT Process Over And Over Again To Create 7 Businesses That Make At Least $1 Million Per Year.”
Caitlin Pyle
Information Products / Work at Home
How To Build INSTANT Credibility And Authority In Your Niche (Even If You’re “New And Unknown” At The Moment)
Akbar Sheikh
Ethical Principles of Persuasion
How To Create An Almost INSTANT Coaching Practice That Attracts Your Perfect Client
Rhonda Swan
How I Traded My All-Day “Hustle” For A Tripwire Funnel That Shot From “Zero” To 6-Figures In Just WEEKS! 
David Asarnow
Funnel Marketing Agency
The Lost PHILOSOPHY That Earned Me An 8-Figure Award...FOUR TIMES!
Raoul Plickat
Sales and
Tapping Into Your “A.G.P.” To Accomplish Any Goal In HALF The Time!
James Friel
The SINGLE Biggest Mistake That Holds New Business Owners Back…(and keeps them from ever achieving the success they dream of!)
**The individuals above are paying users of ClickFunnels. The interviews of them that you will hear when you register will provide you with their own unique view of what they would do if they had to start over. Their past results using ClickFunnels are not typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, business model, and market forces beyond our control. Please note that ClickFunnels is not a business opportunity. ClickFunnels is a website and funnel builder that helps businesses sell their products and services online. We make no earnings claims or return on investment claims.** 

I want to GIVE you access to all 30 of these interviews…So You Can Learn The SAME Secrets That Propelled Their Success!
But don’t take my word for it… 

I’m not trying to sell you anything. 

So… what’s the catch!?!
Well, unlike most people who are selling information on how to make money online…

I don’t make my money TEACHING people how to make money.  

I have the luxury of actually owning the software company ClickFunnels. 

Yes, ClickFunnels is the BACKBONE of EVERY successful “Two Comma Club” winner. 

The ONE thing they ALL have in common, is they made their money using our software to build their funnels!

So, unlike the other “guru’s” who make their money just selling information... I don’t have to charge you for access to the training. 

Instead, I just have to help you launch and grow your company… and when you do, hopefully you’ll use ClickFunnels as a simple tool that can help you do that. 

Makes sense… right?
Because of that, I’m able to GIVE YOU a training course that we could easily SELL for $2,000...
I’d like to see the other “guru’s” do that… ha ha.  

They won’t, because they CAN’T.  

They make money by selling you courses… I make money by actually making you successful… BIG DIFFERENCE. 
So, The ONLY Catch Is This…
I Want To MAKE SURE You Watch AND Implement Each Of These 30 Day Plans…
So, I’m Going To Give You A Short, 72-Hour Pass Where You Can Watch Them... 

(all you need to Do Is Register To Get Limited-Time Access)
Then They Are Gone.
Yes, that means you have to BLOCK OUT that time… 

Immerse yourself in the blueprints…

Take notes…

And then build YOUR OWN 30 day plan from what you learned…

Yes, that is my “evil” motivation… to make sure you actually watch, learn and implement from the gift that these 30 people are giving you.

Is it ok if we over deliver…? :)
Here is a small sampling of what you’ll discover in these 30 days marketing plans..
  • You’ll dive into the “Pain Web” approach that lets you consistently create attention-getting, high-converting offers that your audience will LOVE… no matter how crowded your niche is!
  • ​You’ll get the in-depth secrets on how you can create automated funnels
  • ​You’ll learn key strategies for how to grow your business foundation quickly and efficiently!  
  • ​You’ll find out why adopting a “contrarian” viewpoint can actually skyrocket your business… and help you grow an army of loyal fans!
  • ​You’ll learn the “value ladder” strategy that moves clients from strategy calls to signature programs and courses… and gets them to buy over and over again
  • ​You’ll peek “behind the scenes” and see how one simple strategy allows you to bolster your prices… and potentially generate significantly higher revenue per sale!
  • ​You’ll discover how using a “by application only” approach gives you complete control to decide who you want to work with… and who you want to leave for your competition! 
  • ​You’ll discover the hidden resources you can use to market your own book without actually writing itcementing your authority in your niche market!
  • ​You’ll get the insider intel on what makes a “no brainer” offer… and how you can create your own no matter how long you’ve been stressing out over it! 
...And that's just from a fraction of our featured speakers!
So that’s it!  

Nothing to buy…

Just a commitment that YOU need to make. 

• A commitment to register…
• A commitment to show up…
• And a commitment to implement...
You know how the old saying goes: “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink…”

Well, here is the water, now it’s your job to take a drink.
Thanks again, and I’ll see you on the inside of the members area!
Russell Brunson
P.S. - If you’re here looking for a quick recap… here it is. 

When you register (for free), you’ll get access to 30 blueprints of “Two Comma Club” winners show you day by day what they’d do if they lost everything and had to start over again (for free), and when you register, I’m also going to do a special presentation to show you the patterns, shortcuts and connections you need.  

Is it ok if we over deliver? :) 

All you’ve got to do is register now:
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